Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Head Model & Morph

Done in ZBrush, for a final project for a 3D Modeling Class. Basically the first image is of a model of my own head. The second is of a morph of said head model into a demonic entity.
Came out a little awkward, but I can't put my finger on why. Comments would be appreciated.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Left Arm Test

Apparently, many students in the class need more practice when it comes to anatomy. My left arm looks quite a bit different than the arm on the body from my Anatomy Test model; I've been practicing the effects of Pinching in Mudbox, and I think it helped to get what I was looking for. But of course, this is far from perfect. But practice makes progess, right?

Spark Plug Test

The idea was to create a model of a spark plug by any means, without any hints or assistance. I'm a little surprised that I did what I could in about an hour and a half, since I really was not sure how to start.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Anatomy Study

The original project was done in ZBrush, but since I couldn't find a computer with ZBrush in order to finish it, I had no other alternative but to use Mudbox, leaving this looking less smooth.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Creature Head Update

I've been able to get back on track after a snag over the past week. Now I've got a new creature head, and it's looking okay.

Friday, May 6, 2011

ZBrush First Attempt

About four weeks ago, I made this random character model as my first crack at ZBrush. Unfortunately, I had no idea how to capture an image of what I did until just recently, so here's what should have been posted a LONG time ago.

Mudbox- First Attempt

This was my first attempt at Mudbox about four week ago. I had no idea how to capture the images and post them before, but was shown how to yesterday. So here's what should have been posted a LONG time ago.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Character Head in ZBrush

The first image is the original one made. The second image is what I have so far in the second attempt. Unfortunately, I saved the original file in the wrong format and had to redo this whole thing.
I'm gonna be busy this weekend.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Head Concepts (Continued)

After choosing a head from the previous concepts, I have modified it twelve times to create twelve different creature ideas. Unfortunately, I've had trouble with Wacom pen pressure during a session of working on this.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Head Concepts

Did twelve concepts in Photoshop. Silhouettes made with animals as references.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Head Project In Progess

Working on a head in Autodesk Maya. It's coming out better than the one from two quarters ago, but I'm still having a few issues.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bit of a Problem

Since I'm still new at it, I've been havin' trouble with Z-Brush at the moment. Can't get much sculpting done, though I have a desired shape with Z-spheres. Plus, how the heck do you post images of completed work here?